
Orchestrator does the … Orchestration.

You can use the class in your Lambda as is, just configure some settings using one of the supported ways in Config

The following diagram represents the basic Task Workflow initiated by the Orchestrator.

Invocation Process

Workers Invocation Workflow

    'row_mapper':       {
        'task_id':             'S',
        'labourer_id':         'S',
        'greenfield':          'N',
        'attempts':            'N',
        'closed_at':           'N',
        'completed_at':        'N',
        'desired_launch_time': 'N',
        'arn':                 'S',
        'payload':             'S'
    'required_fields':  ['task_id', 'labourer_id', 'created_at', 'greenfield'],
    'table_name':       'sosw_tasks',
    'index_greenfield': 'sosw_tasks_greenfield',
    'field_names':      {
        'task_id':     'task_id',
        'labourer_id': 'labourer_id',
        'greenfield':  'greenfield',

    'dynamo_db_config':                  TASKS_TABLE_CONFIG,
    'sosw_closed_tasks_table':           'sosw_closed_tasks',
    'sosw_retry_tasks_table':            'sosw_retry_tasks',
    'sosw_retry_tasks_greenfield_index': 'labourer_id_greenfield',
    'ecology_config':             {},
    'labourers':                         {
        'some_function': {
            'arn':                          f"arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:737060422660:function:some_function",
            'max_simultaneous_invocations': 10,
            'health_metrics':               {
                'SomeDBCPU': {
                    'details':                     {
                        'Name':       'CPUUtilization',
                        'Namespace':  'AWS/RDS',
                        'Period':     60,
                        'Statistics': ['Average'],
                        'Dimensions': [
                                'Name':  'DBInstanceIdentifier',
                                'Value': 'YOUR-DB'

                    # These is the mapping of how the Labourer should "feel" about this metric.
                    # See EcologyManager.ECO_STATUSES.
                    # This is just a mapping ``ECO_STATUS: value`` using ``feeling_comparison_operator``.
                    'feelings':                    {
                        3: 50,
                        4: 25,
                    'feeling_comparison_operator': '<='

    'task_config': TASK_CLIENT_CONFIG,

Example CloudFormation template for Orchestrator

See also Greenfield

View Licence Agreement

class sosw.orchestrator.Orchestrator(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Orchestrator class.
Iterates the pre-configured Labourers and invokes appropriate number of Tasks for each one.
get_db_field_name(key: str) str[source]

Could be useful if you overwrite field names with your own ones (e.g. for tests).

get_desired_invocation_number_for_labourer(labourer: Labourer) int[source]

Decides the desired maximum number of simultaneous invocations for a specific Labourer. The decision is based on the ecology status of the Labourer and the configs.


Number of invocations

get_labourers() List[Labourer][source]

Gets a list of pre-configured Labourers from TaskManager.


invoke_for_labourer(labourer: Labourer)[source]

Invokes required queued tasks for labourer.