Source code for sosw.scheduler

..  hidden-code-block:: text
    :label: View Licence Agreement <br>

    sosw - Serverless Orchestrator of Serverless Workers

    The MIT License (MIT)
    Copyright (C) 2024  sosw core contributors <>

    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
    of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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__all__ = ['Scheduler']
__author__ = "Nikolay Grishchenko"
__version__ = "1.0"

    from aws_lambda_powertools import Logger

    logger = Logger()

except ImportError:
    import logging

    logger = logging.getLogger()

import datetime
import json
import os
import re
import time

from typing import Iterable
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Set, Tuple, Union, Optional, Dict

from sosw.essential import Essential
from import LambdaGlobals
from sosw.components.helpers import get_list_of_multiple_or_one_or_empty_from_dict, trim_arn_to_name, chunks
from sosw.components.siblings import SiblingsManager
from sosw.managers.task import TaskManager

def single_or_plural(attr):
    """ Simple function. Gives versions with 's' at the end and without it. """
    return list(set([attr, attr.rstrip('s'), f"{attr}s"]))

def plural(attr):
    """ Simple function. Gives plural form with 's' at the end. """
    return f"{attr.rstrip('s')}s"

class InvalidJob(ValueError):

[docs] class Scheduler(Essential): """ Scheduler is converting business jobs to one or multiple Worker tasks. Job supports a lot of dynamic settings that will coordinate the chunking. Parameters: `max_YOURATTRs_per_batch`: int This is applicable only to the lowest level of chunking. If isolation of this parameters is not required, and all values of this parameter are simple strings/integers the scheduler shall chunk them in batches of given size. By default will chunk to 1kk objects in a list. """ DEFAULT_CONFIG = { 'init_clients': ['Task', 's3', 'Sns', 'Siblings'], 'task_config': { 'labourers': { # 'some_function': { # 'arn': 'arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:000000000000:function:some_function', # 'max_simultaneous_invocations': 10, # } }, }, 's3_prefix': 'sosw/scheduler', 'queue_file': 'tasks_queue.txt', 'queue_bucket': 'autotest-bucket', 'shutdown_period': 60, 'rows_to_process': 50, 'job_schema': {}, 'job_schema_variants': { 'default': { 'chunkable_attrs': [ # ('section', {}), # ('store', {}), # ('product', {}), ] } }, 'task_operational_overhead_for_ddb': 0.03, } # these clients will be initialized by Processor constructor task_client: TaskManager = None siblings_client: SiblingsManager = None s3_client = None sns_client = None base_query = ... def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.set_queue_file() self.initialize_from_job_schema() def __call__(self, event): """ Process an event. :param dict event: event data """ job = self.extract_job_from_payload(event) self.apply_job_schema(name=job.get('job_schema_name')) # If called as sibling if 'file_name' in job: self.set_queue_file(job['file_name']) # else construct new data file else: self.parse_job_to_file(job) self.process_file() super().__call__(event)
[docs] def apply_job_schema(self, name: str = None): """ Apply a job_schema from job_schema_variants by the name or apply the default one.""" new_job_schema = self.config['job_schema_variants'][name or 'default'] # Update job schema if there are any changes if self.config['job_schema'] != new_job_schema: self.config['job_schema'] = self.config['job_schema_variants'][name or 'default'] self.initialize_from_job_schema()
[docs] def initialize_from_job_schema(self): """Initialize attributes that are mapped to the `job_schema` in self.config""" # Initalize chunkable attrs self.chunkable_attrs = list([x[0] for x in self.config['job_schema']['chunkable_attrs']]) assert not any(x.endswith('s') for x in self.chunkable_attrs), \ f"We do not currently support attributes that end with 's'. " \ f"In the config you should use singular form of attribute. Received from config: {self.chunkable_attrs}"
[docs] def parse_job_to_file(self, job: Dict): """ Splits the Job to multiple tasks and writes them down in self.local_queue_file. :param dict job: Payload from Scheduled Rule. Should be already parsed from whatever payload to dict and contain the raw `job` """ if os.path.isfile(self.local_queue_file): logger.critical("The current Lambda container is already having some unprocessed file. " "You probably did not clean it correctly after processing. " "Should probably just clean the file now, but during beta version we raise an stop " "processing new ones.") raise RuntimeError(f"The current Lambda container is already having some unprocessed file.") labourer = self.task_client.get_labourer(labourer_id=job.pop('lambda_name')) if not labourer: raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid (unregistered) Labourer: {labourer}. " f"Maybe your job is missing `lambda_name`, or the one provided is not registered " f"in the config of the Scheduler. Current job: {job}") # In case there is not chunking required, we just schedule `task` directly from the `job`. if not all([self.chunkable_attrs, self.needs_chunking(plural(self.chunkable_attrs[0]), job)]): data = [{'labourer_id':, **job}] # Else there is much more logic how to chunk the job to tasks. else: data = self.construct_job_data(job, skeleton={'labourer_id':}) with open(self.local_queue_file, 'w') as f: for row in data: f.write(f"{json.dumps(row)}\n")"Finished step: parse_job_to_file()")
# def create_tasks(self, labourer: Labourer, data: List): # """ # Iterate tasks from `data` and queue them as new tasks for `labourer`. # """ # # for task in data: # self.task_client.create_task(labourer=labourer, payload=task)
[docs] def validate_list_of_vals(self, data: Union[list, set, tuple, Dict]) -> list: """ Supported resulting values: str, int, float. Expects a simple iterable of supported values or a dictionary with values = None. The keys then are treated as resulting values and if they validate, are returned as a list. """ if isinstance(data, (list, set, tuple)): if not all(isinstance(v, (str, int, float)) for v in data): raise InvalidJob(f"Job has values with embedded data, but chunking is not requested. " f"You should either append 'isolate_ATTRIBUTE' flag or make values appropriate. " f"Should be a flat list or a dict with None - values. Your job was: {data}") return data elif isinstance(data, dict): if all(v is None for v in data.values()): return list(data.keys()) elif len(data.keys()) == 1: return [data] else: raise InvalidJob(f"Job have values with embedded data, but chunking is not requested. " f"You should either append 'isolate_ATTRIBUTE' flag or make values appropriate. " f"Should be a flat list or a dict with None - values. Your job was: {data}") else: raise InvalidJob(f"A Job without chunking enabled should have value either as a simple iterable " f"(list, set, tuple), or a dict with all the values = None." f"You provided {type(data)}: {data}")
[docs] def last_x_days(self, pattern: str) -> List[str]: """ Constructs the list of date strings for chunking. """ assert re.match('last_[0-9]+_days', pattern) is not None, "Invalid pattern {pattern} for `last_x_days()`" num = int(pattern.split('_')[1]) today = return [str(today - datetime.timedelta(days=x)) for x in range(num, 0, -1)]
[docs] def previous_x_days(self, pattern: str) -> List[str]: """ Returns a list of string dates from today - x - x For example, consider today's date as 2019-04-30. If I call for previous_x_days(pattern='previous_2_days'), I will receive a list of string dates equal to: ['2019-04-26', '2019-04-27'] """ assert re.match('previous_[0-9]+_days', pattern) is not None, "Invalid pattern {pattern} for `previous_x_days`" num = int(pattern.split('_')[1]) today = end_date = today - datetime.timedelta(days=num) return [str(end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=x)) for x in range(num, 0, -1)]
[docs] def x_days_back(self, pattern: str) -> List[str]: """ Finds the exact date X days back from now. Returns it as a `str` in a `list` following the interface requirements of `chunk_dates`. e.g. `1_days_back` - yesterday, `7_days_back` - same day as today last week """ assert re.match('[0-9]+_days_back', pattern) is not None, "Invalid pattern {pattern} for `x_days_back()`" num = int(pattern.split('_')[0]) today = return [str(today - datetime.timedelta(days=num))]
[docs] def yesterday(self, pattern: str = 'yesterday') -> List[str]: """ Simple wrapper for x_days_back() to return yesterday's date. """ assert re.match('yesterday', pattern) is not None, "Invalid pattern {pattern} for `yesterday()`" return self.x_days_back('1_days_back')
[docs] def today(self, pattern: str = 'today') -> List[str]: """ Returns list with one datetime string (YYYY-MM-DD) equal to today's date. """ assert re.match('today', pattern) is not None, "Invalid pattern {pattern} for `today()`" return [str(]
[docs] def last_week(self, pattern: str = 'last_week') -> List[str]: """ Returns list of dates (YYYY-MM-DD) as strings for last week (Sunday - Saturday) :param pattern: :return: """ assert re.match('last_week', pattern) is not None, "Invalid pattern {pattern} for `last_week()`" today = end_date = today - datetime.timedelta(days=today.weekday() + 8) return [str(end_date + datetime.timedelta(days=x)) for x in range(7)]
[docs] def chunk_dates(self, job: Dict, skeleton: Dict = None) -> List[Dict]: """ There is a support for multiple not nested parameters to chunk. Dates is one very specific of them. """ data = [] skeleton = deepcopy(skeleton) or {} job = deepcopy(job) period = job.pop('period', None) isolate = job.pop('isolate_days', None) period_patterns = ['last_[0-9]+_days', '[0-9]+_days_back', 'yesterday', 'today', 'previous_[0-9]+_days', 'last_week'] # Adding custom methods for creating date list found in config of child classes custom_period_patterns = self.config.get('custom_period_patterns') if custom_period_patterns: if isinstance(custom_period_patterns, (list, tuple)): for method in custom_period_patterns: if isinstance(method, str): period_patterns.append(method) else: raise TypeError(f"Pattern '{method}' expected to be str, got {type(method)}") else: raise TypeError(f"'custom_period_patterns' expected to be (list, tuple), " f"got {type(custom_period_patterns)}") if period: date_list = [] for pattern in period_patterns: if re.match(pattern, period): # Call the appropriate method with given value from job. logger.debug(f"Found period '%s' for job %s", period, job) method_name = pattern.replace('[0-9]+', 'x', 1) try: date_list = getattr(self, method_name)(period) except TypeError: # For methods without parameter date_list = getattr(self, method_name)() break else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported period requested: {period}. Valid (basic) options are: " f"'last_X_days', 'X_days_back', 'yesterday', 'today', 'previous_[0-9]+_days', " f"'last_week'") if isolate: assert len(date_list) > 0, f"The chunking period: {period} did not generate date_list. Bad." for d in date_list: data.append({**job, **skeleton, 'date_list': [d]}) else: if len(date_list) > 1: logger.debug("Running chunking for multiple days, but without date isolation. " "Your workers might feel bad.") data.append({**job, **skeleton, 'date_list': date_list}) else: logger.debug("No `period` chunking requested in job %s", job) data.append({**job, **skeleton}) return data
[docs] def construct_job_data(self, job: Dict, skeleton: Dict = None) -> List[Dict]: """ Chunks the job to tasks using several layers. Each layer is represented with a `chunker` method. All chunkers should accept `job` and optional `skeleton` for tasks and return a list of tasks. If there is nothing to chunk for some chunker, return same `job` (with injected `skeleton`) wrapped in a list. Default chunkers: - Date list chunking - Recursive chunking for `chunkable_attrs` """ CHUNKERS = [self.chunk_dates, self.chunk_job] data = [job] skeleton = deepcopy(skeleton) or {} for chunker in CHUNKERS: chunked = [] # Container for results of current chunker method. for task in data: logger.debug("Chunking %s with %s", task, chunker) chunked.extend(chunker(job=task)) data = deepcopy(chunked) # Inject the skeleton to the resulting tasks for task in data: task.update(skeleton) return data
[docs] def chunk_job(self, job: dict, skeleton: Dict = None, attr: str = None) -> List[Dict]: """ Recursively parses a job, validates everything and chunks to simple tasks what should be chunked. The Scenario of chunking and isolation is worth another story, so you should put a link here once it is ready. """ data = [] skeleton = deepcopy(skeleton) or {} job = deepcopy(job) # The current attribute we are looking for in this iteration or the first one of preconfigured chunkables. attr = attr or self.chunkable_attrs[0] if self.chunkable_attrs else None # We have to return here the full job to let it work correctly with recursive calls. if not attr: return [{**job, **skeleton}] # If we shall need batching of flat vals of this attr we find out the batch size. # First we search in job (means the current level of recursive subdata being chunked. # If not specified per job, we try the setting inherited from level(s) upper probably even the root of main job. MAX_BATCH = 1000000 # This is not configurable! batch_size = int(job.get(f'max_{plural(attr)}_per_batch', skeleton.get(f'max_{plural(attr)}_per_batch', MAX_BATCH))) def push_list_chunks(): """ Appends chunks of lists using current skeleton and vals to chunk. """ for v in chunks(vals, batch_size): data.append({**task_skeleton, **{plural(attr): v}}) logger.debug(f"Testing for chunking %s from %s with skeleton %s", attr, job, skeleton) # First of all decide whether we need to chunk current job (or a sub-job if called recursively). if self.needs_chunking(plural(attr), {**job, **skeleton}): # Force batches to isolate if we shall be dealing with flat data. # But we still respect the `max_PARAM_per_batch` if it is provided in job. # Having batch_size == MAX_BATCH asserts that we had batch_size = 1 if batch_size == MAX_BATCH else batch_size # Next attribute is either name of attribute according to config, or None if we are already in last level. next_attr = self.get_next_chunkable_attr(attr) logger.debug("Next attr: %s", next_attr) # Here and many places further we support both single and plural versions of attribute names. for possible_attr in single_or_plural(attr): logger.debug("Iterating possible: %s", possible_attr) current_vals = get_list_of_multiple_or_one_or_empty_from_dict(job, possible_attr) if not current_vals: continue # This is not the `skeleton` received during the call, but the remaining parts of the `job`, # not related to current `attr` job_skeleton = {k: v for k, v in job.items() if k not in [possible_attr]} logger.debug("For %s we got current_vals: %s from %s, leaving job_skeleton: %s", possible_attr, current_vals, job, job_skeleton) task_skeleton = {**deepcopy(skeleton), **job_skeleton} # For dictionaries we have to either go deeper recursively, or just flatten keys if values are None-s. if all(isinstance(v, dict) for v in current_vals): for val in current_vals: if all(x is None for x in val.values()): logger.debug("Value %s is all a dict of Nones. Need to flatten", val) vals = self.validate_list_of_vals(val) push_list_chunks() else: logger.debug("Real dictionary with values. Can't flatten it to dict: %s", val) for name, subdata in val.items(): logger.debug("SubIterating `%s` with %s", name, subdata) # Merge parts of task task = {**deepcopy(task_skeleton), **{plural(attr): [name]}} logger.debug("Task sample: %s", task) if isinstance(subdata, dict): if not next_attr: # If there is no lower level configured to chunk, just keep this subdata in payload task.update(subdata) data.append(task) else: logger.debug("Call recursive for %s from subdata: %s", next_attr, subdata) data.extend(self.chunk_job(job=subdata, skeleton=task, attr=next_attr)) # If None-s we just add a task. `Name` (which is actually a value in this scenario) # was already added when creating task skeleton. elif subdata is None: logger.debug("Appending task to data for %s from %s", name, val) data.append(task) else: raise InvalidJob( f"Unsupported type of val: {subdata} for attribute {possible_attr}") # If current vals are not dictionaries, we just validate that they are flat supported values else: vals = self.validate_list_of_vals(current_vals) push_list_chunks() else: logger.debug("No need for chunking for attr: %s in job: %s. Current skeleton is: %s", attr, job, skeleton) task_skeleton = {**deepcopy(skeleton)} for a in single_or_plural(attr): if a in job: attr_value = job.pop(a, None) if attr_value: try: vals = self.validate_list_of_vals(attr_value) push_list_chunks() # We are done here for not-chunkable attr. Return now. return data except InvalidJob: logger.warning("Caught InvalidJob exception.") # If a custom payload is not following the chunking convention - just translate it as is. # And return the pop-ed value back to the job. job[a] = attr_value break else: logger.error("Did not find values for %s in job: %s", attr, job) # Populate the remaining parts of the job back to task. task_skeleton.update(job) data.append(task_skeleton) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def get_index_from_list(attr, data): """ Finds the index ignoring the 's' at the end of attribute. """ assert isinstance(data, Iterable), f"Non iterable data for get_index_from_list: {data}" assert isinstance(attr, str), f"Non-string attr for get_index_from_list: {type(attr)}" attrs = single_or_plural(attr) for a in attrs: try: return list(data).index(a) except ValueError: pass raise ValueError(f"Not found {attr} in {data}")
[docs] def get_next_chunkable_attr(self, attr): """ Return the next by order after `attr` chunkable attribute. """ attrs = single_or_plural(attr) for a in attrs: try: return self.chunkable_attrs[self.get_index_from_list(a, self.chunkable_attrs) + 1] except (IndexError, KeyError, TypeError, ValueError): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def get_isolate_attributes_from_job(data: dict) -> Dict: """ Get a dictionary with settings for isolation from data. """ return {k: v for k, v in data.items() if re.match('isolate_[\w]*|max_[\w]*_per_batch', k)}
[docs] def needs_chunking(self, attr: str, data: Dict) -> bool: """ Recursively analyses the data and identifies if the current level of data should be chunked. This could happen if either isolate_attr marker in the current scope or recursively in any of sub-elements. :param attr: Name of attribute you want to check for chunking. :param data: Input dictionary to analyse. """ attrs = single_or_plural(attr) isolate_attrs = [f"isolate_{a}" for a in attrs] + [f"max_{a}_per_batch" for a in attrs] root_isolate_attrs = self.get_isolate_attributes_from_job(data) if any(data[x] for x in isolate_attrs if x in data): logger.debug("needs_chunking(): Got requirement to isolate %s in the current scope: %s", attr, data) return True next_attr = self.get_next_chunkable_attr(attr) logger.debug("needs_chunking(): Found next attr %s, for %s from %s", next_attr, attr, data) # We are not yet lowest level going recursive if next_attr: for a in attrs: current_vals = get_list_of_multiple_or_one_or_empty_from_dict(data, a) logger.debug("needs_chunking(): For %s got current_vals: %s from %s. Analysing %s", a, current_vals, data, next_attr) for val in current_vals: for name, subdata in val.items(): logger.debug("needs_chunking(): Going recursive for %s in %s", next_attr, subdata) if isinstance(subdata, dict) and self.needs_chunking(next_attr, {**subdata, **root_isolate_attrs}): logger.debug("needs_chunking(): Returning True for %s from %s", next_attr, subdata) return True return False
[docs] def extract_job_from_payload(self, event: Dict): """ Parse and basically validate job from the event. """ def load(obj): return obj if isinstance(obj, dict) else json.loads(obj) jh = load(event) job = load(jh['job']) if 'job' in jh else jh assert 'lambda_name' in job, f"Job is missing required parameter 'lambda_name': {job}" job['lambda_name'] = trim_arn_to_name(job['lambda_name']) return job
[docs] def process_file(self): """ Process a file for creating tasks, then uploading it to S3. In case of execution time reached its limit, spawning a new sibling to continue the processing. """ _ = self.get_db_field_name file_name = self.get_and_lock_queue_file() if not file_name:"No file in queue.") return else:"Processing a file: %s", file_name) while self.sufficient_execution_time_left: logger.debug(f"Execution time left: {global_vars.lambda_context.get_remaining_time_in_millis()}ms " f"Working next batch of {self._rows_to_process} tasks from file {file_name}") data = self.pop_rows_from_file(file_name, rows=self._rows_to_process) if not data:"No rows in file: %s", file_name) break for raw_task in data: logger.debug("Pushing task to DynamoDB: %s", raw_task) task = json.loads(raw_task) labourer = self.task_client.get_labourer(task[_('labourer_id')]) new_task = self.task_client.create_task(labourer=labourer, **task)[_('task_id')], action='created', labourer=task[_('labourer_id')]) time.sleep(self._sleeptime_for_dynamo) else: # Spawning another sibling to continue the processing"Ran out of execution time in `process_file`. Spawning sibling.") payload = dict(file_name=file_name) try: self.siblings_client.spawn_sibling(global_vars.lambda_context, payload=payload) self.stats['siblings_spawned'] += 1 except Exception: logger.exception("Could not spawn sibling with context: %s, payload: %s", global_vars.lambda_context, payload) self.upload_and_unlock_queue_file() self.clean_tmp()
@property def _sleeptime_for_dynamo(self) -> float: """ Pull DynamoDB write capacity dynamically and configure speed of writing. Calculates based on the assumption that a single write action consumes a full WCU. It also assumes that the duration of processing the task itself takes some time and decreases sleep accordingly. This duration is theoretically configurable in ``config['task_operational_overhead_for_ddb']``, but after several versions this should probably be removed from config. For on-demand billing of the DynamoDB table returns zero. """ try: write_throughput = 1 / self.task_client.dynamo_db_client.get_capacity()['write'] except ZeroDivisionError: return 0 operational_overhead = self.config['task_operational_overhead_for_ddb'] return max(write_throughput - operational_overhead, 0)
[docs] @staticmethod def pop_rows_from_file(file_name: str, rows: Optional[int] = 1) -> List[str]: """ Reads the rows from the top of file. Along the way removes them from original file. :param str file_name: File to read. :param int rows: Number of rows to read. Default: 1 :return: List of strings read from file top. """ tmp_file = f"/tmp/in_prog_{file_name.replace('/', '_')}" result = [] try: with open(file_name) as f, open(tmp_file, "w") as out: for _ in range(rows): try: result.append(next(f)) except StopIteration: break # Writing remaining rows to the temp file. for line in f: out.write(line) os.remove(file_name) os.rename(tmp_file, file_name) # If there is no dat remaining in the file we remove it. if os.path.getsize(file_name) == 0: os.remove(file_name) except FileNotFoundError: pass return result
def clean_tmp(self, file_name=None): file_to_remove = file_name or self.local_queue_file if os.path.isfile(file_to_remove): os.remove(file_to_remove) @property def _rows_to_process(self): return self.config['rows_to_process'] @property def sufficient_execution_time_left(self) -> bool: """ Return if there is a sufficient execution time for processing ('shutdown period' is in seconds). """ return global_vars.lambda_context.get_remaining_time_in_millis() > self.config['shutdown_period'] * 1000
[docs] def get_and_lock_queue_file(self) -> str: """ Either take a new (recently created) file in local /tmp/, or download the version of queue file from S3. We move the file in S3 to `locked_` by prefix state or simply upload the new one there in `locked_` state. :return: Local path to the file. """ if not os.path.isfile(self.local_queue_file): try: self.s3_client.download_file(Bucket=self._queue_bucket, Key=self.remote_queue_file, Filename=self.local_queue_file) except self.s3_client.exceptions.ClientError: self.stats['non_existing_remote_queue'] += 1 logger.exception("Not found remote file to download") else: self.s3_client.copy_object(Bucket=self._queue_bucket, CopySource=f"{self._queue_bucket}/{self.remote_queue_file}", Key=self.remote_queue_locked_file) self.s3_client.delete_object(Bucket=self._queue_bucket, Key=self.remote_queue_file) logger.debug("Downloaded a copy of %s for processing and moved the remote one to %s.", self.local_queue_file, self.remote_queue_locked_file) # If the local file exists (means we have probably just created it). Then we upload it in `locked_` state. else: self.s3_client.upload_file(Filename=self.local_queue_file, Bucket=self._queue_bucket, Key=self.remote_queue_locked_file) return self.local_queue_file
[docs] def upload_and_unlock_queue_file(self): """ Upload the local queue file to S3 and remove the `locked_` by prefix copy if it exists. """ # If there is data left unprocessed in the file, upload it for future processing by siblings or someone else. if os.path.isfile(self.local_queue_file): self.s3_client.upload_file(Filename=self.local_queue_file, Bucket=self._queue_bucket, Key=self.remote_queue_file) # Delete the locked file from S3 (aka unlock) try: self.s3_client.delete_object(Bucket=self._queue_bucket, Key=self.remote_queue_locked_file) except self.s3_client.exceptions.ClientError: logger.debug("No remote locked file to remove: %s. This is probably new.", self.remote_queue_locked_file)
@property def _queue_bucket(self): """ Name of S3 bucket for file with queue of tasks not yet in DynamoDB. """ return self.config['queue_bucket']
[docs] def set_queue_file(self, name: str = None): """ Initialize a unique file_name to store the queue of tasks to write. """ if name is None: filename_parts = self.config['queue_file'].rsplit('.', 1) assert len(filename_parts) == 2, "Got bad file name" self._queue_file_name = \ f"{filename_parts[0]}_{global_vars.lambda_context.aws_request_id}.{filename_parts[1]}" else: self._queue_file_name = name
@property def local_queue_file(self): return f"/tmp/{self._queue_file_name}" @property def remote_queue_file(self): """ Full S3 Key of file with queue of tasks not yet in DynamoDB. """ return f"{self.config['s3_prefix'].strip('/')}/{self._queue_file_name}" @property def remote_queue_locked_file(self): """ Full S3 Key of file with queue of tasks not yet in DynamoDB in the `locked` state. Concurrent processes should not touch it. """ return f"{self.config['s3_prefix'].strip('/')}/locked_{self._queue_file_name}"
[docs] def get_db_field_name(self, key: str) -> str: """ Could be useful if you overwrite field names with your own ones (e.g. for tests). """ return self.task_client.get_db_field_name(key)
global_vars = LambdaGlobals()